Men of the Gemini sign are lovers par excellence of the intellectual, they value culture, word games, mental agility, and intelligence, so to conquer them you must be at their level, something that for you could be a challenge quite interesting.
The puns with certain intelligent hints are an excellent way to start flirting with them, but there are other keys that you have to take into account, here I give them to you so you can learn how to make a Gemini man fall in love.
What Gemini Man Like In Love?
The first thing that you must take into account so that you can conquer a Gemini man is his versatility and ease of contradicting himself, so you have to load yourself a lot of patience and not give in to the first. Sometimes it will be difficult for you to understand, but you should not let this be an impediment to you.
Gemini men are very affectionate and will offer you all the affection in the world, although it should also be mentioned that they are people with very strict ideas regarding their independence. This is why they need their own space and do not usually accept that you ask them for many explanations.
Men born under this sign may seem a bit strange to you, but don't worry, the truth is that when they find their true love they give themselves to the fullest and give their best. In the same way, boredom will not fit in the relationship with a man of this sign, they will always surprise you.
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How To Woo a Gemini Man | 8 Keys That Never Fail
To conquer a Gemini man you have to attract his attention by falling in love with their words, apart from that there are other keys that you must take into account, below I will indicate which they are:
A good starting point to start a relationship with him is by asking him all the questions that are related to him. This will help you get to know him better, and on the other hand, you will make him feel comfortable with you.
Pay special attention to everything that has to do with news or innovative things and make him a participant in it. Stay on top of everything so you don't seem out of tune.
Another key point that will be useful to you is to stimulate it mentally. their norm is variety and therefore you must understand it. I recommend reading about a variety of topics so that you can have discussions with him and ask him all kinds of questions; show yourself to him intelligent but also indiscreet.
A Gemini man will always be very active and will love doing many activities; He is also used to starting a lot of things and not finishing any. Therefore, to make both of you feel comfortable, I recommend you keep up with him.
If you want to conquer a Gemini man, you should never try to control his movements or activities, since he likes to feel free and he will not like much of you managing his life.
I recommend that you invite him to learn things together such as dancing, a new language, and even traveling to discover new cultures.
Avoid falling into the routine, always surprise him with tasks and new things, gifts, compliments, and attention to him. Remember that one of their characteristics is mystery. They tend to have very fleeting relationships because they get bored very quickly with the stability of a relationship; so surprise him whenever you can and you will see!
Another key point is that you must be prepared for anything. A characteristic of the Gemini man is his ability to constantly change his personality, from a very happy and good mood to a very sad and bad one.
What kinds of gifts can you give a Gemini man to make him fall in love?
There are many gifts that you can give a Gemini man, among them the most successful is a silver box. This is your lucky metal, so anything with this noble metal will do wonderfully well, whether it's a watch with a silver dial, to an oval mirror with a frame made of the same metal. Also, if you want his life to be filled with vitality and joy, give him some mobile pendants, made by yourself with shells and marine objects.
If the Gemini man you like is born from June 21 to 30, health will be given to them by the agates, give him some that are round. If, on the other hand, he is born from May 31 to June 9, it is best to give him some bluish opal pendants.
If it is a Gemini boy born between June 11 and June 20, there will be nothing better to give him than a silver ring with a sapphire, this will bring much success to his life. Its lucky colors are: green and orange, and its lucky herbs are lemon balm, iris, and verbena.
Another important thing for a Gemini man is that you have to dedicate time and money to the gifts you give him, he likes good and expensive gifts. They love to show off their riches, so if the gift is eye-catching, be it for your home or for yourself, you will surely want to show it to everyone.
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