Men born under this sign of the water element, in their personality can be a bit disconcerting, sometimes they could be shy or boring and in other cases very happy and outgoing, however, Cancer men are conservative and home-loving.
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How is the Cancer man in love?
Men born under this sign are regularly faithful in their romantic relationships, when they are in love they are unconditional with their partner and their dedication is total, they are very empathetic beings and they easily put themselves in the place of other people.
Cancer men can sometimes become possessive of their partner, so the woman who is their partner must learn to manage that possessiveness in a positive way and not allow it to exceed the limits of respect and individuality.
This man will be the ideal dream of any woman in love, they are given to details, therefore in their relationships they are the ones who like to cook for their partner and help her in all.
Cancer men give without expecting anything in return, they are generous and given by nature.
They can become insecure and jealous, so they need to feel stable with the person who shares their love life. They could also become emotionally unstable, going from joy to sadness easily, and in this sense, their partner must be emotionally stable enough so that this instability does not affect them on a personal level and even to be able to be support for their partner. in those emotional states.
What does a Cancer man look for in love?
The Cancer man seeks mainly the warmth of home and the security that it provides, therefore, his ideal partner must be part of this stability that he requires in his life, he expects from his partner a familiar woman, who likes the home, children.
In love, he values quiet relationships, where conflict does not play a leading role, on the contrary, what fills them in their love life is affection, details, sensitivity, tenderness, and understanding.
The type of woman who attracts cancer men are those with a protective characteristic, that woman who takes care of her man and makes him feel important and valued.
The Cancer man hates to be opposed, so the woman who aspires to win his love must be very astute to express her point of view, without her man feeling attacked in this regard.
The Cancer man loves that his partner supports him in his dreams and goals, feeling supported makes his sentimental ties consolidate and strengthen.

What should you do to get the attention of a Cancer man?
- Show yourself sweet and loving, tender.
- Cancer men are naturally shy, so it is most likely that the woman who wants to conquer him will have to take control of the situation a bit so that he feels the security of taking the step, they are afraid of rejection, therefore, they will not take any false step.
- If you are a homebody and you like children, you are on the perfect path to make a man with the sign of cancer fall in love
- Conquer him by the palate, echoing that phrase that says that man is conquered by the stomach, with cancer men it is infallible.
- Become a support for his goals, help him achieve his goals.
- The Cancer man's relationship with his mother is sacred, so avoid interfering in that relationship at all costs.
- Try to have a good relationship with your mother, the strong affective bond that Cancer men have will make it decisive for them to choose a partner in their life, even above any other characteristic that attracts them to you.
- Avoid conflict, those born under this sign are frightened by problematic and conflictive relationships, when a relationship is conflictive, the Cancer man will seek to hide inside his shell
- Cancer men are very sensitive, therefore, they like loving contact.
- The style of women that attracts cancer is conservative, they do not like women that are too flashy or exuberant
- Relationships with cancer are based on the emotional, therefore, they expect that of the woman of their dreams, people who are too rational are not what attracts them.
- Don't smother a Cancer man with your presence, give him his space, and allow him his personal time.
- Try not to make jokes that could hurt them, those born in this sign are insecure and although you may be joking, the crab will take it very seriously and you will only make him take refuge in his shell and lose interest.