Conquering a man becomes much easier when you know which zodiac sign he belongs to. The stars indicate the type of personality that one has and sheds light on the paths we must travel when looking for who will be the love of our lives.
Men born under the sign of Leo bring all the energy and power with them, for that reason we have prepared a series of tips that will help you face the total challenge that their conquest represents.
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1. Let him be the King: A Leo man is a dominant man by nature indisputable. If you want to conquer a man of this sign you must let him be the one with the initiative, who has the baton in the relationship, or at least make him believe it. Like a lion in the animal kingdom, the Leo man will always want to be the leader within his territory. Knowing how to control this strong aspect is the most key to achieving your desire to catch it.
2. Do not discuss his mandate: A Leo will always want to lead the orchestra, guide the path through which it should be traveled, command. It is important for the woman who is about to make him fall in love to understand this point, to a large extent accept it. If he becomes pushy or at some point even arrogant, let him acknowledge his fault and allow resolution as a couple.
3. Join their energy: As Leo men have all the energy within them, you must be determined to catch it. Being an active woman in sports, a lover of extreme things, being daring and willing to do anything. A Leo will always want to go for more and this implies resistance, you cannot show signs of apathy if you intend to share everything with him. Dress up in good vibes every day and let him know that you will be his best company for his adventures, that you will take the risk that is necessary to be happy with him. Always smile and exude confidence and a lot of vitality, that the sun is small in front of you.
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4. Let him express himself, but also express everything about you: Leos are extroverts par excellence, which indicates that the topics of conversation will be, for the most part, subject to their interests. That is why you have to be a good listener and a better dissertation partner. Catch up with their tastes and surprise them whenever you can by starting a debate, since they do not like to be next to a person with lower intelligence than theirs. Show him absolute confidence and security.
5. Do not hesitate next to him or leave dark sides: They only like those people who walk straight, who go straight to their goal. Learn to make immediate and firm decisions. Being honest at its best, because if Leos hate something, it's falsehoods and hypocrisies. These men usually use a kind of protective shield against harmful and profitable people. Keep all the necessary distance with these types of inclines.

6. From the eccentricity: The relationships that Leo manages mark a clear distance from common relationships, go hand in hand with the extravagant. If your desire is to form a couple with a man of this sign, you have to be more and more original. A good trick is to give them splendid details that surprise and drive them crazy. Praise him everything, make him feel like the protagonist of the film. Make it known and believe that it is the center of the universe and that they sail together on an unprecedented star.
7. Ride until you catch him: If spending the rest of your life with a Leo man is among your plans, you must know that sex is too important for this powerful sign. Ignite the flames of passion by wearing flattering colors like pink or magenta and put on subtle perfumes that bring out all the power of that King in full. Create an image that is irresistible to him. Be the temptation in person, the fruit is eaten daily.
8. Open your mind a little more, get rid of yourself: They are sincere with their partners as long as there love. They are also very helpful in nature and love to do charity.