Pisces men are very influential people, and they are carried away by what others think. That can put you at an advantage at the time of conquest, but they do not like women who pretend to show all their virtues in a direct way.
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Pisces men are among the most sensitive men in the entire zodiac, and they value the same in a woman. They are not attracted to the idea of an extremely tough woman with an “entrepreneurial” spirit. Pisces is a sign that admires art and everything related to it. Generosity and nobility are two basic values in their life, based on which they build their main life projects.
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How to attract Pisces
You have been attracted to a Pisces man for a long time, but he seems to be in another world. And it is that sometimes, the men of this sign, are concentrated on seeing how to help their friends. Pisces spend much of their time solving the problems of others. So much so that they forget their own. Don't be discouraged and be persistent. Go over and talk to him about a good cause, that will be a topic to his liking.
The attitude of Pisces man is passivity and in almost all aspects of life. When he has accepted your first invitation, you will see that you will have to make a second. After he confirms that you are a sensitive woman, able to appreciate and enjoy the little things in life, he will take the next step. Never try to rush forward with a Pisces man as they may feel pressured. When this happens, they will not tell you but will walk away without giving you reasons. Great music lovers, dancing and watching music concerts are excellent outing plans.

The hardest thing about a relationship with Pisces
Men of this sign are not very communicative. They respond more to gestures and details than to a deep and extensive dialogue. When the first differences arise within the couple, it is likely that Pisces will choose to avoid the situation rather than speak. Another behavior, directly associated with their great sensitivity, is their vulnerability. It is enough that one day you speak to them in a louder tone than usual so that they feel attacked and hurt. You will see them head down, and you will not understand why. They won't tell you how they feel either.
In their eagerness to experience art in all its facets, Pisces man sometimes lose the notion of reality. You can hear them talking about things you don't even understand, and you can become impatient. Pisces can appear to live in a different world than everyone else. With enough diplomacy, you will have to get him to lower his feet to the ground. It will not be easy for you to plan projects together. This sign does not set medium-term goals and leaves a lot of room for improvisation. However, facing a dream in common, your Pisces partner will put all his energy into it.
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