Today I want to give you my best strategies so that you know how to attract a man. When a woman wants to woo a man, the first step is to attract him to her. Because if the man you want to fall in love with does not even know that you exist, it is very difficult for you to make him fall in love. First, you must attract him so that he knows that you exist, and then he approaches you and the infatuation begins.

So I will share with you seven strategies that you can use immediately so that you know how to attract a man and attract that man you want so much. Keep reading…

How To Attract a Man

Before giving you the seven strategies that I, and several friends of mine, readers of this blog, have used to attract a man, I am going to tell you something: Men are extremely easy to attract. In fact, I could tell you that it's a piece of cake to do so. Some of the strategies I share with you in this article were taken from HERE. It describes in much more detail some of the points that I will share with you today.

So let's get started ...

7 Strategies To Know How To Attract a Man

There are several strategies to attract a man. The ones that I share with you here are the ones that I consider the most important. With only these strategies that man will be attracted to you like a magnet attracts metal.

Of course, I recommend that you practice each of the strategies until they come out perfectly. With just these seven simple strategies you will become an expert in attraction.

Strategy 1: Attract Him With Your Eyes

They say that the look is the mirror of the soul. Through the look, we can say many things and we can know many other things. For example, you can tell by looking if a person is lying. Also, someone's gaze can tell you if they are remembering something or if they are creating an image in their mind. Or if he is going to talk to you about a topic that touches his feelings.

The power that a look has is impressive. However, very few people know how to use looks to their advantage. But you will no longer be one of those people. Since with what I will share here you will learn how to use looks to your advantage so that you know how to attract a man.

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According to science, the look is crucial

According to the professor in leadership and psychological organization Ronald E. Riggio, of the Claremont McKenna College (United States), says that the look is a crucial part of non-verbal language. And what we express with it is infinite.

In summary, Professor Riggio says: Eye contact excites, the dilation of your pupil shows interest, when the man you want gives you a deep look it means love, among other things.

What can you do

So what you are going to do to attract him with your eyes will be:

  1. Stare at him for a few seconds and then when he turns to look at you, smile at him and then immediately look away.

  2. When he's talking about something, look at him with interest and ask him questions about what he's talking about.

  3. Send him a deep look every now and then

  4. Look at it by squinting (squeeze your lower eyelids hiding the white part of the eye with your lower eyelid)

Use the power of your gaze to get their attention. If it is someone who
does not know you, simply by doing this you will arouse his interest and he will surely ask one of his friends who you are.

Strategy 2: Attract Him With The Smile

A person with a serious face connects much less with other people than a person with a smile on his face.

Do the test! One day propose to smile all day and you will see that more than one of the people you talk to will smile back. The smile is contagious and a lot. And if you want to know how to attract a man, the smile is a secret weapon that you should not stop using.

It's amazing that so many people don't believe it. When it's so easy to prove it. To show a button. Watch the following video

So next time you see him, smile at him. And do your best to keep smiling and to have a good sense of humor with him.

The smile is so powerful that even if you're talking to him on the phone. His unconscious will detect your smile.

Here I share an video link, where you can learn how to attract any man easily and make him fall in love with you.

Strategy 3: Attract Him By Dressing Sexy

All men are visual in love. So, if what you want is to attract him to make him fall in love later, it is important that you know this.

Here is one thing I want to clarify. Many women mistakenly think that only women with statuesque bodies can be sexy, and that is totally false. Men are very easy to attract by dressing sexy. It doesn't matter that you have a few extra pounds or that your legs aren't perfect, you can attract them anyway.

What you need to do is dress a little sexy when you see it. Just a little sexy, you don't need to look vulgar. Because if you exaggerate what you can do is that the man you want to attract does the opposite of what you want, that is, he will move away. So be careful.

>>> CLICK HERE and you will see how I Melted Him <<<

What to do to look sexy

Here are some things to keep in mind when you want to look sexy for the man you want to attract:

  1. First, decide what kind of sensuality you want to have and take your body into account as well. Currently, you can use the internet to find the best combination of clothing and makeup, etc. that goes well with your body type and your style.

  2. Self-confidence is the most important thing when you dress sexy. You must LOOK and FEEL sexy.

  3. You must smell really good. A friend of mine once told me that he loved it when women smelled like women. Yes, you can also attract it with your smell and I will talk about this later.

  4. Putting on makeup is part of looking good and sexy. So don't neglect this part.

  5. Make sure you dress the right way to attract the person you really want to attract. It is important that you dress according to the person you want to attract. For example, if your man is a reserved and very serious person, you are not going to dress excessively sexy. You can add a touch of sensuality to your outfit, but not much. Since, in this case, the man you want to attract is more than anything reserved.

  6. Be yourself.

Strategy 4: Attract Him By Raising His Ego

Men have a big ego. Some will tell you no, others will confess it. But most men are like that. And this has a scientific reason.

In cave times, man was responsible for taking care of his family. He was the one who took risks to go hunting and bring food to his family. He also protected them from danger and he faced the dangers necessary to keep his family safe.

Well, all this, although times have changed, is still recorded in the unconscious of men. And therefore, unconsciously, he is still the one who stands up for the family. Who faces dangers to protect his own. And they like to be recognized. So you must feed his ego from time to time. So if you really want to know how to attract a man you should think about his ego.

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What to do to lift your ego

It is very simple to feed a man's ego. You can use phrases like, for example:

  • That shirt looks good on you, you look very manly.

  • Spiders scare me, kill her! (It doesn't matter that spiders don't scare you, just do it to feed their ego).

  • I like it when you accompany me. I feel safer.

  • Hug me because the movie scares me.

  • You are so strong!

There are women who never do this. On the contrary, they feel self-sufficient and make men see that they do not need it at all, that they are capable of doing everything without their help.

It is fine if you are self-sufficient and independent. But if what you want is to attract that man you like, then forget about self-reliance for a moment and play the game of proving that you need him. That has a lot of power in any relationship and also when it comes to knowing how to attract a man.

Strategy 5: Attract Him By Getting Closer To Him

Physical contact is very important when you want to attract a man. Obviously, I'm not telling you to go running to hug him and fill him with kisses (I know you would love to, but you have to be patient).

It depends on the country where you live, physical contact may be a bit more complicated. But normally, when a man greets a woman, they kiss each other on the cheek. There are countries, even, that give two kisses. Well, then, you are going to take advantage of that approach with the man you want to attract to attract him.

Greet him with a kiss

What you have to do is, when you go to kiss him to greet him, you are going to do it slowly and in the end, look him in the eye with a tender look. This works impressively well for attracting a man.

Also, when you kiss him, you will approach him as if you wanted to hug him. Do this with caution because it is likely to drift away. If you try once and it goes away, don't try it anymore. But if you try it once and he stays like this, not moving, waiting for you to bring your body closer to his, then keep doing it.

Physical contact is very, very important to attracting a man. Never forget this. So whenever you get a chance to get close to him do it.

A reader applied this strategy

For example, I have a friend who to attract her man what she did was that she used this strategy a lot. Once he was with the man he wished to lure to slide in the snow. We live in Canada, so there is snow here for a good part of the year.

So, they went to slide into the snow and she managed to always fall on top of him. Hahaha, just remembering when he told me about it, it makes me laugh again.

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Yes! Imagine that he was thrown from the top of a hill and she allowed him to jump first and then she launched herself trying to stay next to him, or even above him. This worked really well for him because they had physical contact for a good time. A few days later they became couple and are now married hoping to have their first child. That beautiful!

So, my friend, never forget, physical contact is extremely important.

Strategy 6: Lure It With Smell

One of the most important things you should know to know how to attract a man is that men like the pleasant smell that some women give off.

I have a friend who told me a long time ago: "I love that women smell like women." And he meant that the combination of creams and perfume and other things that women wear give off a pleasant smell. Especially for men.

A woman who does not care about putting cream on her skin. Or put on a soft and pleasant perfume. You will not easily attract a man.

Did you know that through smell you can generate emotions? Yes! It is scientifically proven that smells generate emotions, and also hook you on past emotions. How is this? Let me explain ...

Smells and emotions

You've ever visited a hospital, right? Maybe something bad has never happened to you in a hospital or maybe you have never had a close family member in the hospital. But if it ever happened to you that you had to go to a hospital often because a close relative of yours got sick and was hospitalized, and that is why you had to go to the hospital often. The smell of the hospital is very likely to stick in your mind. And every time you enter that hospital, or any other hospital in the world (because I think they all smell the same), you will remember those moments you spent there taking care of or visiting your family member. Why? Because the smell connected with your emotions, and when you smell the same thing again, your emotions return. Incredible but true. And it is very easy to test it.

So if you want to attract a man, what you should do is smell good. In fact, it smells really good. And pass near him or get close to him. Your smell will make him remember you more and will also attract him to you.

Try this that I'm recommending and leave me your comments below so you can tell me how it went.

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Strategy 7: Attract Him With What Interests Him

There are women who think that men are only interested in beer, soccer, and sex. And they are totally wrong. Certainly many men like what I tell you, but they don't like ONLY that. There are many other things that men like. And knowing what he likes will help you attract him to you.

Show you know

A man, a woman who knows about a subject that interests him is going to fascinate and attract him. For the simple fact that few women apply this strategy: Attract the man of your dreams knowing what interests you and researching the subject to be able to talk about him.

And this you can do very easily. You simply need to know what he likes, and then do some research on the internet about the latest in relation to that topic.

For example, maybe you find out that he would like to travel the world. And he has a special attraction for Europe. So what you are going to do is investigate more about that continent. You are going to look for the best places to visit in Europe and you will learn a little about tourist things from there. When you have the opportunity, you will talk to him and you will address the subject that interests him. By realizing that you know a lot about something he likes, you will impressively attract him.

Here it is important to clarify something: Let him speak. You simply answer their questions and make small comments about what you investigated. But who should speak more is him. This will make him feel heard and he will realize that you are interested in him. You will see that you will attract him impressively.


Now I have told you how to attract a man. The seven strategies that I share with you here have been tested by myself and by friends of mine, readers of this blog, hundreds of times, and they work.

So go out right now to attract that man you want so much. Don't expect things to happen by themselves because, most of the time, that doesn't happen. You will have to work a little, or a lot, so that you can attract that man and then you can make him fall in love.

Check this detailed video on how to attract any man