Text messaging is now the preferred method of communication for many. Whether it's a What's App, Snapchat, Facebook Messenger, online dating app, or another preferred method of messaging, there are plenty of options. 

Of course, there are some methods that make it easier than others to tell when messages were read and if the guy is online, which can often cause more trouble than waiting for a guy to call, but there is a way to be sure. that your texts make him smile and that your texts make him think of you. It's even possible to tease a guy and drive him crazy.

<<12-word text to make him fall in love with you>>

How to make a guy obsess over a text message

The key to making a man obsessed is making sure your texts make him smile and let him know that you are thinking of him and leave him wanting more. Of course, there is a danger of going overboard and bombarding him with messages, so you need to make sure you strike the right balance. Not all men like texting or have the time for it, so you need to make sure you're doing enough. How are you going to make your messages stand out from the others they may be receiving?

How to make him miss you through text

Although women are often better communicators than men and have more time to text, men can be encouraged to participate in online messaging if they want something from her. If you're trying to message him to miss you, then you have to give him reasons to miss you. Do not respond directly to each of the texts. That makes it too easy and almost like you have nothing else to do. If you can see that he sent a message, you go away and do something else for an hour and then reply a little later. Leave him wanting more and don't make it too easy!

How to win over a boy through text

Don't send emojis. Most guys consider them 16-year-olds and they won't find you sexy or attractive if you send them rainbows and unicorns. Your texts should be sexy, mature, mature and playful. Also consider the use of kisses. Don't end it with a lot of kisses, in fact, don't use kisses yet ... make them wait for it.

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Texting to make him fall in love

If you want to make him fall in love with you, then you have to follow the principles of how to make a man fall in love with you. You have to stand out from the other girls who have tried and failed to get their attention. Instead of the usual "hello" greeting, try being quirky with a random question or something that appeals to your sense of humor. Get their attention and make them look forward to reading your messages. Asks questions - people love to talk about themselves, so be sure to give him the opportunity to do so and to be interested in him. Speak in complete sentences and not just one-word responses - this will close a conversation quickly.

How to make a guy love you over a text message

It is the way you express your messages. You may be primitive and proper and not very confident when it comes to texting, but men can certainly do the whole messy text thing! Try to speak their language. Although you don't have to resort to filth, some sexy, flirty, and suggestive messages are sure to make him want you. Also, leave him wanting more ... don't give him everything you have too soon.

What to text a guy to make him smile

Now, texting him to make him smile is going to require you to know a little about what he likes. If he's the type that is quite masculine and sassy, ​​then it may need to be a flirty and sexy message. If he's hooked, anything you send him will make him smile. Sometimes something that has made you laugh online can be forwarded to them to create a smile, but we are not suggesting that you send every single meme you come across. This will soon get annoying. It will also depend on whether you have a similar sense of humor. We strongly advise against sending "I love you", even if you are still in the online messaging phase.


There are so many rules that can be applied to online dating messages. In principle, however, you need to let him want more by making sure that you are available, but only when you want to be. Don't feel like you need to be on the end of the phone every 5 minutes. You'll soon get sick of it and may start to feel like you have nothing else to do. If you are too enthusiastic or too available, then the thrill of the chase soon wears off. Also, remember that men often don't like texting as much and are not as talkative as women can be. They don't have time to listen to what your friend said or what you had for breakfast - they have other things on their minds. Be moderate with your messages, but not aloof. Before you know it.

<<Click this link to know how you can make him mad for you over text (Video Tutorial)>>